Evaluation of the conditions of the Psychopedagogical Office of the Universidad de Cienfuegos in the management of virtual guidance services
counseling, social welfare, human development, pedagogical guidance, educational technologyAbstract
The constant transformation of society and the phenomena that have occurred globally in recent years have underscored the increasing relevance of incorporating technologies into guidance and, consequently, the virtualization of the service. The transition to virtualization requires the identification of strengths and weaknesses of guidance offices or departments for managing virtual psychoeducational guidance services. This paper presents the results of an empirical study carried out in the Psychoeducational Office of the Universidad de Cienfuegos, which demonstrated the conditions for the development of the guidance process mediated by technologies. Based on observations, interviews, surveys, document review, and triangulation of results, the human and material resources available to the office and the level of preparation of managers and collaborators to carry out the process were determined, as well as potential users and guidance demands in accordance with their interaction contexts. The study represents the first stage in facilitating the deployment of virtual guidance actions, contributing to the socio-emotional well-being of the educational community.
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