Innovative strategies for continuous and effective learning during health emergencies in Ciudad del Este




adaptation, distance education, resilience, digital technologies, transformation


The present research, centered on Ciudad del Este, addressed the articulation and implementation of innovative strategies to ensure the perpetuity and effectiveness of learning in contexts of health emergencies. The exploration focused on distance education modalities, intensively integrating digital technologies and online resources. Adopting an exploratory-descriptive methodology, data collection was carried out through surveys to examine the emergent educational practices during the health crisis meticulously. The findings underscore the pivotality of distance education and technologization to ensure educational continuity while simultaneously identifying preponderant challenges, such as equity in educational access and active student participation. The proffered results provide a wealth of cardinal information for educational entities, teaching professionals, and decision-makers, facilitating the understanding and optimizing educational strategies in crises. In conclusion, this study highlights the imperative need to deploy innovative pedagogical approaches in health emergencies, pointing to distance education and implementing digital technologies as preeminent solutions to ensure continuous and quality education in the studied region. Such strategies not only lean towards the resilience of the current educational system but also pave the way for robust preparation in the face of future challenges.


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How to Cite

Ruiz Díaz de Salvioni, V. V. (2023). Innovative strategies for continuous and effective learning during health emergencies in Ciudad del Este. Región Científica, 2(1), 202338.



Scientific and technological research article