Expanded education in formal and informal educational contexts





communication, education, extensive education, learning education, teaching


The manuscript presented aims to encourage reflection on educational practices deployed in formal and informal contexts. In order to address the needs of post-pandemic education, new forms of expanded, invisible, and ubiquitous education are contrasted. This article aims to promote a debate and exchange of knowledge, practices, and pedagogical criteria that would enable the acquisition of emerging knowledge. The factors that enrich the quality of the bond built between the educator and the students based on a dialogic, dynamic, and open relationship are taken into consideration. The results support the importance of promoting the integration of previous experiences and knowledge and openness to learning in unconventional spaces and outside school hours. Finally, guidelines are offered for the future study and design of new forms of educational expansion as a way to strengthen policies and practices in different contexts.


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How to Cite

Miranda-Moreno, V. M., & Sandoval-Obando, E. (2024). Expanded education in formal and informal educational contexts. Región Científica, 3(2), 2024321. https://doi.org/10.58763/rc2024321



Reflection article