Technological innovation from a system dynamics approach




system dynamics, innovation management, technological innovation, management models


Technological development and innovation models have evolved over time and in an increasingly globalized context. Their implementation results in the strengthening of competitiveness through the strategic development of human and technical capabilities. This research aims to design a model for the management of technological innovation with a system dynamics (SD) approach. The construction of the SD model is based on the analysis of the models found in the literature on the subject; the methodology applied includes the definition of the problem, the causal loop diagram, the flow diagram, the summary of the main equations, and the validation of the model. The main variables identified were capital available for investment in innovation, capital invested for high-level human resources training, human resources with high-level training, capital invested in innovation projects, innovation service contracts, profits from innovation service contracts, and initial capital for investment in innovation.


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How to Cite

Kammerer David, M. I., & Murgas Téllez, B. (2024). Technological innovation from a system dynamics approach. Región Científica, 3(1), 2024217.



Scientific and technological research article