Venezuelan migrant entrepreneurship in Mexico




entrepreneurship, labor migration, Venezuelans


Entrepreneurship constitutes a means of integration for migrants and is a fundamental key to human development. Under the theoretical need to know the entrepreneurship of Venezuelan migrants in Mexico, the general objective was to describe Venezuelan migrant entrepreneurship in Mexico. The study was approached from the constructivist paradigm and the ethnographic approach, which allowed a deep knowledge of migrant entrepreneurship to be analyzed from the Theories of Social Sciences. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews guided during direct field observation from a non-probabilistic intentional sample of eight Venezuelan migrant entrepreneurs established in Mexico. The selection parameters responded to the availability of the participants; the data were reviewed through an iterative analysis based on constant observations, thus guaranteeing methodological integrity. Indeed, there are remarkable coincidences between the results and the literature review. It was identified that Venezuelan migrants have ventures by opportunity, which are successful in the Mexican context, providing them with multiple opportunities to develop their competencies and even overcome difficulties.


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How to Cite

Ramírez Hernández, A. G. (2024). Venezuelan migrant entrepreneurship in Mexico. Región Científica, 3(1), 2024201.



Scientific and technological research article