Management leadership in the New Mexican School and teacher revaluation from the recognition of human talent: a scoping review
career development, leadership, teaching and learning, trainingAbstract
The preparation of future generations to integrate into society and participate in change processes is a significant need in education systems worldwide. In the New Mexican School context, this preparation is subject to competency-based models that promote efficiency but not the values of the humanistic approach so necessary today. A scoping review was conducted to understand the elements to be considered to promote the management of human talent of the teaching staff from the leadership processes. The main results suggest the need to transform the current discourse on teachers to promote their improvement from collaborative positions and the different types of leadership, emphasizing human development and school organizations. Constitutive elements of human talent management are suggested, as well as lines for reflection on the role of leadership in the valuation of educational actors. The findings point to the importance of carrying out new studies.
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