Circular economy: a systematic and bibliometric review




Circular Economy, green economy, recycling, sustainability


The circular economy is a strategy to optimize waste management and recycling and achieve sustainability models. This research aimed to conduct a systematic bibliometric review of the circular economy. A descriptive approach was used to analyze the data obtained from the Scopus database. The results show a moderate positive increase of R2 0.6936 in scientific production, with more publications in 2022. The United Kingdom leads in this type of publication, and the most cited article is by authors Murray A., Skene K., and Haynes K.; forty-three authors are estimated to be the most prolific. According to Bradford's law, the most relevant journal is the Journal of Cleaner Production. The authors Jaca C., Prieto-Sandoval V., Ormazabal M., Baumgartner R. J., and Vermeulen W. J. V. worked together in four research. The most prominent keywords are circular economy, environmental economics, economic sciences, and eco-design. In conclusion, the circular economy is an innovative alternative that contributes to the sustainability of production processes and the redesign of more environmentally friendly products.


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How to Cite

Raudales-Garcia, E. V., Acosta-Tzin, J. V., & Aguilar-Hernández, P. A. (2024). Circular economy: a systematic and bibliometric review. Región Científica, 3(1), 2024192.



Scientific and technological research article