Ethical policy

Región Científica, in line with its higher purpose, aims to maintain the scientific and academic quality and integrity of its publications. Therefore, it adheres to the ethical principles promulgated by the Committee on Publication Ethics-COPE, the Publishing Ethics Resource Kit (PERK) of Elsevier, and the Singapore Statement on Research Integrity. In this regard, it declares the ethical, social, and professional requirements that authors, peer reviewers, and the journal must comply with for the development of its mission:

Journal commitments

1. Use technological tools to detect plagiarism and thus prevent unacknowledged similarities in articles.

2. Limit editorial decisions to academic-scientific aspects, inhibiting effects based on nationality, gender, sexual orientation, political position, ethnicity, creed, or any other characteristic of human diversity.

3.Select peer reviewers with expertise and academic track record in the topic, under criteria of impartiality, transparency, and always promoting the consolidation of the scientific culture in the world.

4.Respect the double-blind policy throughout the editorial flow, thus ensuring transparent exercise.

5. Consolidate a solid editorial policy that serves as a filter for the initial review described in the evaluation process. Also, ensure decision-making under criteria of originality, relevance, and scientific development.

6. Ensure respect for ethical norms, intellectual property, copyright, and the philosophy of the journal.

7. Maintain effective communication channels among all members of the journal's academic community, always respecting ethical and confidentiality principles.

8. Edit, publish, reproduce, and distribute articles for non-commercial purposes.

9. Address, process, and resolve any conflict that arises among the interested parties of the journal.

10. Convene, consult, and comply with the guidelines of the Editorial Committee and the Scientific Committee.

Author commitments

1. Comply with the guidelines, policies, and editorial standards established by Región Científica, as well as international best practices in scientific publishing.

2. Submit unpublished articles of their own authorship, respecting general and specific ethical guidelines. And also, not submit the article for consideration in another publication space during the journal's editorial flow.

3. Complete all formats and documents required by the journal with truthful information.

4. Avoid incurring in plagiarism, invention, misrepresentation, manipulation, or alteration of data. Therefore, any fragment taken from the works of third parties or the author himself/herself must be cited in accordance with current norms.

5. Respect the non-commercial exploitation of publications. Therefore, articles can be reproduced, distributed, remixed, edited, and created from them, as long as this principle is not violated.

6. Ensure the participation of all authors in the manuscript, as well as the endorsement of the responsible authorities, the involved community, and the research/project funding entity.

Peer reviewer commitments

1. Comply with the guidelines, policies, and editorial standards established by Región Científica, as well as international best practices in scientific publishing.

2. Accept evaluation processes that are directly related to their academic, research, or professional experience. Likewise, issue judgments with quality, objectivity, precision, and rigor, promoting the consolidation of the global scientific culture.

3. Avoid any type of reproduction, distribution, or dissemination of the evaluated works until before they are published.

4. Respond to the Editor and/or Editorial Committee's requirements, if required. Also, report any indication of plagiarism or ethical misconduct.

5. Ensure the non-generation of personal benefits or appropriation of the content of the evaluated texts.

Conflict of Interest Policy

Región Científica recognizes, among other particular aspects that may arise, the configuration of a conflict of interest between the editor, the editorial team, the authors, and the reviewers when:

1. They have worked in the same organization/institution in the last three years.

2. There are economic/commercial interests related to the article.

3. There are joint research projects and/or publications in the last three years.

4. There are family, personal, and/or academic links in the last three years.

In such scenarios and/or any other that may be considered a conflict of interest, Región Científica thanks its authors, editors, and reviewers for expressing the situation in writing, in order to take appropriate actions. In the case that authors declare a conflict of interest, it should be informed to the Editor-in-Chief of the journal. Likewise, those invited to review a manuscript must excuse themselves from doing so if they have a conflict of interest with the authors or the topic. Región Científica guarantees that the most suitable reviewers will also be selected in terms of thematic and academic compatibility.

In case of controversy, Región Científica is committed to resolving these cases and taking the most appropriate measures to identify and prevent the publication of articles that have cases of research misconduct. Under no circumstances will Región Científica encourage such improper conduct, nor knowingly allow such conduct to occur.

In case the editor or editors of the journal become aware of any allegations of research misconduct, the editor will attend to the complaints, retracting or correcting articles when necessary. Corrections, clarifications, retractions, and apologies will be published if necessary.

In any case, Región Científica will use the guidelines of the Committee on Publications Ethics-COPE as guiding criteria for resolving conflicts of interest that may arise.

Funding Declaration

The authors are required to disclose information about the institutions that provided financial support for the research and/or preparation of the article. They must also provide a brief description of the role that the sponsors played in the study design, data collection, analysis and interpretation, article writing, or decision to submit the article for publication. If there was no involvement from sponsors, please indicate that as well.