The management of the labor component through the accompaniment of students in training




management, holistic education, labor skills, methods of advancement, guidance


Mentorship and student support are critical elements in learning management and have become a focus in higher education. However, persistent issues have been identified in these processes that could affect student performance. This article focuses on examining the management of the labor component through the mentorship and support of students in the Bachelor's degree in Education, Foreign Languages, English, at the University of Ciego de Ávila, Cuba. Methods such as document analysis, participant observation, interviews, and surveys were applied. The preliminary findings revealed limitations in the support of students during their practice period, which affected the effectiveness in the management of the labor component and impacted the comprehensive training of future English teachers in the region. Likewise, the study emphasizes the importance of finding strategies to improve the management of the labor component through better support of students in training in this career. The goal is to strengthen the educational process and ensure a more effective and complete education for future English teachers.


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How to Cite

Delgado Fernández, L., Pérez Parrado, R., & Dávila Cisneros, J. D. (2023). The management of the labor component through the accompaniment of students in training. Región Científica, 2(2), 202383.



Scientific and technological research article