B-learning protocols for information literacy in Higher Education





educational autonomy, computer-assisted teaching, teaching and training, educational management, professional training


The present study arises from the achievements accomplished by a transdisciplinary research team involved in a project focusing on essential protocols for virtual education. Employing a mixed-methodological approach, integrated across different phases of the study, it is suggested that skills training, digital literacy, and learning autonomy should be priority factors in teaching undergraduate Engineering programs. Furthermore, by contrasting current findings with previous studies, the need to drive curricular changes through virtual learning in a B-learning format is reaffirmed. In the same context, the influence of a curricular innovation protocol centered on literacy skills, digital literacy, autonomy, and critical thinking was explored, following the guidelines for the training of engineers established by the Federal Council of Deans of Engineering of Argentina.


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How to Cite

Laplagne Sarmiento, C., & Urnicia, J. J. (2023). B-learning protocols for information literacy in Higher Education. Región Científica, 2(2), 202373. https://doi.org/10.58763/rc202373



Scientific and technological research article