Game-based exercise focused on emotional intelligence
emotional learning, gamification, soft skills, emotional intelligence, conflict resolutionAbstract
This study explores the rising vitality of socio-emotional skills, or 'soft skills,' within industrial engineering in Industry 4.0. Anchoring in Daniel Goleman's emotional intelligence theory and Arik Carmeli's explorations, it underscores how emotional intelligence propels optimal work attitudes and behaviors. The research implements a playful activity aimed at strengthening emotional and social competencies, particularly emphasizing self-awareness, self-management, and social skills. Executed in a strictly controlled and monitored environment and leveraging experiential learning methods, the study anticipates participants will enhance their capabilities in effective communication, conflict resolution, team leadership, and adaptation to dynamic and complex work contexts.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Juan Camilo González García, Cristián Lozano Pineda, Mariana Cuartas Díaz, Martha Liliana Torres-Barreto
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