Social media addiction among students at a national university in Junín (Peru)




Internet, social media, social problems, clinical psychology


Addictions constitute one of the main sociosanitary problems worldwide. Their biopsychosocial impact, high prevalence, and complex treatment justify this. Specifically, social media addiction can be a disruptive factor in student life and academic performance. The research conducted aimed to determine the level of social media addiction among students at a National University in Junín. The study was of an exploratory descriptive scope and cross-sectional cut, through the application of a survey to a sample of 185 students. The results showed that the levels of addiction and obsession with social media are high, and the level of lack of personal control is also high, while the level of excessive use is medium. In addition, the study suggested the existence of a positive relationship between obsession and addiction, as well as between perceived lack of personal control and addiction. The findings indicate the need for further deepening the problem, as well as designing and implementing programs for the prevention and treatment of social media addiction.


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How to Cite

Valladolid Benavides, A. M., Neyra Cornejo, F. I., Hernández Hernández, O., Callupe Cueva, P. C., & Akintui Antich, J. P. (2023). Social media addiction among students at a national university in Junín (Peru). Región Científica, 2(1), 202353.



Scientific and technological research article