Beyond charisma on TikTok: Key attributes of content creators that attract and prefer audiences
Cultural Consumer, marketing, social influence, social interaction, social networksAbstract
TikTok is the fastest-growing social network due to both the features of the interface and the aspects related to content creators that are valued by audiences. Along these lines, research was conducted to explore the attraction and preference attributes of TikTok content creators from the perspective of their followers. The qualitative method was used through three focus group sessions with active users of this platform, guaranteeing groups of at least 8 participants whose transcripts were systematically analyzed with the support of Atlas Ti software. The results suggest that content creators stand out for a combination of key attributes. Authenticity requires the creator to develop a genuine image that projects trust and transparency, improving the connection with followers. Originality is linked to creativity and innovation in content, providing an important differentiating factor. Charisma is built through a combination of spontaneous personality and assertive communication, promoting closeness. Physical attractiveness causes significant interest in the initial perception, and the ability to influence allows the creator to impact the attitudes and decisions of their followers. These findings have several implications when collaborating with influencers on TikTok.
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