Urban articulation, as a design strategy, for public space in Villavicencio- Meta





landscape protection, population, urban design, urban planning, urban space


Developing urban actions that allow us to elucidate the needs that society requires in the 21st century demands delving into those inadequacies generated by urban systems. Therefore, it is essential to analyze territorial mobility, specifically how the articulations of the urban layout of the place are produced in the face of the homogeneity in land uses that adjust to natural elements such as water tributaries. A methodology with a qualitative approach to action-research was developed that sought to analyze, describe, and project processes in the planning of urban design and its connectivity in established routes on spaces. The main results pointed to a social transformation that alleviated the relationship between urban space and social problems while adding elements of comfort and aesthetics. Finally, the experiences and trends examined in the study are discussed


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How to Cite

Ortiz Figueroa, S. A., Díaz Herrera, J. C., & Saray Leguizamo, N. S. (2024). Urban articulation, as a design strategy, for public space in Villavicencio- Meta. Región Científica, 3(2), 2024343. https://doi.org/10.58763/rc2024343



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