Military education. A look from security and defense




armed conflict, military education, the military aviator's formation, security and national defense


The education, in the military environment, has different looks for its analysis. Among the possible focuses, they are the aspects of security and defense, being these the spine of the military forces. Starting from an analysis regarding the security and defense in the field of the military education, and applied to the Colombian national context, the present study had as objective to meditate on the formation of the military one, taking as reference scenario the military teaching in the aerospace formation, in a specific way: the Military School of Aviation (EMAVI) and the School of Posgraduate of the Colombian Aerospace Force (EPFAC). In that way, together to the analysis of bibliographical sources on the thematic one, the article presents general considerations on the topic of the security and the defense, followed by a look to the national internal conflict and the experience in the aviator's formation at the present time.


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How to Cite

Gómez Jaramillo, R. A., & Rojas Ortiz, Z. X. (2024). Military education. A look from security and defense. Región Científica, 3(2), 2024339.



Scientific and technological research article