Artificial Intelligence in banking services. A bibliometric review




artificial intelligence, bank, employees, intelligence


This article presents a comprehensive bibliometric review of 2,916 articles on artificial intelligence (AI) in banking services, extracted from Web of Science and analyzed with VOSviewer. Scientific production in this field has experienced exponential growth since 2016, with the United States leading the research, followed by European countries such as England and France. International collaboration is evident, highlighting the global nature of banking AI research. There is a significant focus on improving credit risk, with an emphasis on applying AI to provide clear explanations and improve the accuracy of risk assessments. The trend towards personalization and improving the user experience is evident, especially on mobile platforms. However, the discussion of various studies highlights critical challenges, such as biases and vulnerabilities to cyberattacks. The absence of evidence of scientific production in Central America highlights a significant opportunity to foster research in this region. This bibliometric analysis provides a solid foundation for understanding current trends and challenges in the application of AI in banking services, underlining the importance of addressing key issues to advance in this ever-evolving strategic field effectively.


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How to Cite

Padilla Hernández, S. G. (2024). Artificial Intelligence in banking services. A bibliometric review. Región Científica, 3(2), 2024335.



Scientific and technological research article