Transformations and impacts of financial innovation and the rise of Fintechs in Mexico




currency, financial market, financial system, financial technology


Companies require large amounts of capital for the development of their operations; in this scenario, financial planning provides companies with funds to help them in their day-to-day tasks. In this endeavor, a set of technologies have been developed to support financial decision-making. The objective of this research is to analyze the transformations and impact of financial innovation and the rise of Fintech in Mexico. Quantitative research was developed, based on a retrospective and descriptive study, with a bibliometric approach in the databases Google academic, Scielo, Scopus, Dialnet and Redalyc during the period from 1998 to 2024, without language restriction. It offers a look at Mexico's financial system and its evolution, focusing on the public and non-governmental organizations involved. It also shows the purpose of the system, which is to follow the management methods of banks, stock exchanges and credit institutions, and to manage through supervisory, inspection and management bodies. The economic and social impact of Fintech at the national level was analyzed based on traditional economic sectors. This research establishes a financial system composed of organizational structures, legal systems, agencies and inspection bodies that administer, control and manage public funds and money.


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How to Cite

Ramón de la Cruz, A., García Álvarez, A. D., & Estrada Calix, H. G. (2024). Transformations and impacts of financial innovation and the rise of Fintechs in Mexico. Región Científica, 3(2), 2024311.



Scientific and technological research article