Scientometric and bibliometric review on entrepreneurship networks and ecosystems




Development administration, enterprises, organization and management, small enterprises


The scientometric and bibliometric review on Entrepreneurship Networks and Ecosystems seeks to characterize the existing information on this field, thus delving into trends, structures, knowledge systems, and other relevant indicators. In the field of business entrepreneurship, it is critical to understand the coexistence of different actors and the articulation of their efforts to achieve the expected objectives and generate synergies. Therefore, a study was conducted aimed at resolving the following question: What scientometric and bibliometric characteristics does the field of Entrepreneurial Networks and Ecosystems present? The quantitative and retrospective methodology was applied by combining databases and the VOSviewer program. As results, it is established that the countries that have the greatest content of scientific research in the field, the authors and collaboration networks, the evolution of citations and publications, as well as inferences and comparisons that favor the representation of the field. It is concluded that it is necessary to establish refined review systems, delve into hidden colleges, and generate comprehensive frameworks to understand disciplinary interactions.


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How to Cite

Meléndez Mejía, M. L. (2024). Scientometric and bibliometric review on entrepreneurship networks and ecosystems. Región Científica, 3(2), 2024300.



Scientific and technological research article