ICT incorporation to promote tourism destinations: a systematic review





Communication technology, Information technology, Open data, Tourism


Information and communication technologies (ict) are a substantial tool for promote tourism destinations, used with the aim of gaining competitive advantage and assure the sustainability of their urban and touristic areas. The aim of this review was to explore the web-based technologies used for fostering de tourism destinations. This study considered to investigate research articles categorized in indexed journals databases like ScienceDirect¸ Emerald Insights, Taylor & Francis, Scopus, Redalyc from 2017 to 2021. The results reveals that the most used technologies are the social media (38%) and Data Mining alongside Big Data (31%). The finding illustrates that the 91% of authors conduct their research to influence tourists purchase decision using innovates and disruptive technologies, and 9% to improve the tourist human experience during their visit in a particular destination. The contribution of this study expands our knowledge of using tic to promote tourism destinations to conduct studies in general sense.


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How to Cite

Bartra-Rategui, R., Pinedo Tuanama, L. P., & Navarro-Cabrera, J. R. (2024). ICT incorporation to promote tourism destinations: a systematic review. Región Científica, 3(2), 2024281. https://doi.org/10.58763/rc2024281



Scientific and technological research article