Building computational thinking through the incorporation of STEM education into the secondary curriculum in the Quindío department (Colombia)
documentary analysis, technology diffusion, search strategy, science and society, educational technologyAbstract
There is a need to create theoretical-practical models that, based on existing conceptual contributions, facilitate the informational and technological literacy of new generations. Incorporating STEM Education (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) into the curriculum has proven helpful for secondary school students. The study aimed to generate the first approach to a model for understanding computational thinking (CT) from a STEM approach. This article displays the results of a conceptual review of topics related to the object of study in the last five years and the critical analysis of the found research. The main results highlight the importance of balancing technical, educational, and pedagogical aspects. Furthermore, critical components for model design are proposed. It is concluded that while achieving a conceptual scheme to guide STEM education is vital, it must be updated and reviewed frequently so that emerging disciplines and processes can be incorporated.
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