Quality of Educational Service and Student Satisfaction at P.E.I. Rosa de la Merced
Quality of education, educational strategies, university studentAbstract
Quality in education is a fundamental pillar to guarantee student satisfaction and, in turn, for the development of competencies and the realization of potentialities that reinforce the life project of the students. A study was carried out in the P.E.I Rosa de la Merced -Ate, 2022, to explore the relationship between educational service quality and student satisfaction. The analysis, of a basic type and with a quantitative approach, was oriented under a non-experimental design and a hypothetical-deductive method. The sample involved 105 students randomly selected from 168 third and fifth-level high school students. The results, with a p-value of 000 (less than α 0.05) and a Pearson's R test of 674, indicate a significant relationship between educational quality and student satisfaction. That is, the higher the educational service quality, the higher the level of student satisfaction, and vice versa.
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