Legal framework and procedures of occupational health. A hermeneutic analysis
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labor legislation, legal liability, occupational safety, public healthResumen
Establishing safety standards for regulating workers' health is one of the main components of a labor system. In order to optimize productive activities in a way that aligns with the well-being, rights, and duties of the worker, it is crucial to properly operationalize the legal framework, the procedures for its execution, and the establishment of clear responsibilities and guarantees. The study was aimed at a qualitative and hermeneutic review of the relevant literature, both nationally and internationally, in the Scielo, Redalyc, Dialnet, and Scopus databases. The study allowed for the mapping of the literature, a critical assessment of the texts, and the representation of the main categories according to the initially established themes. The results indicate that it is necessary to implement a safety plan in light of current regulations. In addition, this legal device must operate in conjunction with other cooperatives, the union with the academic sector, and the support of state health entities, thus establishing cooperative work that benefits all sectors in the spinoff style.
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Derechos de autor 2024 Jorge Mario Posada López, Carlos Alberto Severiche Sierra, Karina Paola Buelvas Almanza

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