The advancement of Industry 4.0 and the transformations in the labor market Closing gender gaps? Policies under debate



Palabras clave:

gender equality, industry, employment market, public policy


The writing aims to share the progress of a research project that analyzes three strategic economic sectors for Argentina's sustainable and inclusive development, such as the Science and Technology sector, the Popular Economy, and Industry 4.0. We will focus on the latter, one of the economy's most dynamic sectors and with great capacity for expansion and job creation. In dialogue with profound changes being carried out aimed at promoting gender equality, and in line with the presence of gender machinery at the highest state levels, we propose to account for the policies and actions being carried out at the National level, at the level of the Province of Buenos Aires, in Córdoba and Santa Fe, which seek to close inequality gaps in the sector. These provinces were selected based on having Women's Ministries where one of their objectives is to mainstream the gender perspective in state management. Along these lines, the programs and actions carried out by the aforementioned ministries will be presented, as well as those specific to the sector, typifying them based on what type of gender gap they are addressing. Whether it addresses labor segmentation or, on the other hand, addresses other issues linked to violence, care, participation and promotion, and income.


Cargando métricas ...


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Cómo citar

Fiorentin, F. A., Llorca, L., Suarez, D. V., & Goren, N. J. (2024). The advancement of Industry 4.0 and the transformations in the labor market Closing gender gaps? Policies under debate. Región Científica, 3(2), 2024290.



Artículo de investigación científica y tecnológica