doi: 10.58763/rc2023107
Scientific and Technological Research Article
Quality of Educational Service and Student Satisfaction at P.E.I. Rosa de la Merced
Calidad del Servicio Educativo y la Satisfacción del Estudiante de la I.E.P. Rosa de la Merced
Gerardo Jimmy Curo Aliaga1 *, Ruth Edelmira Pilloca Moyna1 *
Quality in education is a fundamental pillar to guarantee student satisfaction and, in turn, for the development of competencies and the realization of potentialities that reinforce the life project of the students. A study was carried out in the P.E.I Rosa de la Merced -Ate, 2022, to explore the relationship between educational service quality and student satisfaction. The analysis, of a basic type and with a quantitative approach, was oriented under a non-experimental design and a hypothetical-deductive method. The sample involved 105 students randomly selected from 168 third and fifth-level high school students. The results, with a p-value of 000 (less than α 0.05) and a Pearson's R test of 674, indicate a significant relationship between educational quality and student satisfaction. That is, the higher the educational service quality, the higher the level of student satisfaction, and vice versa.
Keywords: quality of education, educational strategies, university student.
JEL classification: D24; O14.
La calidad en la educación es un pilar fundamental para garantizar la satisfacción estudiantil, y a su vez, para el desarrollo de competencias y la realización de potencialidades que refuerzan el proyecto de vida de los educandos. Con el objetivo de explorar la relación entre la calidad del servicio educativo y la satisfacción de los estudiantes, se llevó a cabo un estudio en la I.E.P. Rosa de la Merced –Ate, 2022. El análisis, de tipo básico y con un enfoque cuantitativo, se orientó bajo un diseño no experimental y un método hipotético-deductivo. La muestra involucró a 105 estudiantes seleccionados aleatoriamente de una población de 168 alumnos de tercer y quinto nivel de secundaria. Los resultados, con un valor de p de ,000 (menor que α 0,05) y una prueba R de Pearson de ,674, indican una relación significativa entre la calidad educativa y la satisfacción estudiantil. Es decir, a mayor calidad en el servicio educativo, se observa un mayor nivel de satisfacción en los estudiantes, y viceversa.
Palabras clave: calidad de le educación, estrategias educativas, estudiante universitario.
Clasificación JEL: D24; O14.
Received: 15-03-2023 Revised: 18-05-2023 Accepted: 15-06-2023 Published: 04-07-2023
Editor: Carlos Alberto Gómez Cano
1Universidad Peruana Unión. Lima, Perú.
Cite as: Curo, G. y Pilloca, R. (2023). Calidad del Servicio Educativo y la Satisfacción del Estudiante de la I.E.P. Rosa de la Merced. Región Científica, 2(2), 2023107.
Currently, educational systems are working to increase and develop the so-called quality education (QE) since it is not enough just to implement training efforts but also to seek the quality of the educational service (QES) provided. This way, Peru has all the conditions to be a progressive and exemplary country. Quality education will make social development possible. Hence, the Peruvian government waits for other entities, such as NGOs or individuals, to carry out educational projects. It is perceived that they evade the responsibility of diligently solving the problem of QES, which results in not creating educational management policies that make it possible to know about the level of satisfaction of the students (SE) of an educational institution (IE) such as the I.E.P. Rosa De La Merced, and thus, have appropriate information for the implementation of strategies that promote SE.
Likewise, some of the leading causes of poor SES are inequalities in performance, understanding and use of educational material by educators, and even the lack of infrastructure and equipment favorable for learning, which is an eminently considerable aspect (Afthanorhan et al., 2019; Hwang & Choi, 2019; Latif et al., 2019; Gamage et al., 2020; Ogundola et al., 2020; Onyema et al., 2020; Robyn, 2020; Shim & Lee, 2020). Hence, a consequence of low SES is that it has become one of the fundamental and social problems of the Peruvian state, which causes tragic long-term effects. On the other hand, if the educator knew the singularities of each student, he/she would be able to assist him/her in elaborating a proper understanding of learning; however, that is not fulfilled in the current context; the reason why, students do not satiate the three indispensable psychological demands: independence, appropriateness, and communication (Petursdottir & Ragnarsdottir, 2019; Eguz, 2020; Putri et al., 2020; Arifin et al., 2021; Bani & Masruddin, 2021; Bhatt et al., 2021; Simanjuntak et al., 2022; Agustin et al., 2023), which are the motive for achieving the psychological development of SE and other good impressions toward their learning.
Because of this, it is necessary to rethink the idea that it would be necessary to provide educational management policies that make it possible to recognize the capabilities, intelligence, and disposition that students develop during their stay at the IE, thus allowing them to overcome the obstacles and stressful circumstances that they face daily. It is necessary to provide students with situations in which they coordinate actions, manage resources and information, and debate and argue their own ideas, among other activities. However, given the above, it is possible to hypothesize the following: Currently, in Peru, there is no quality education for all, but only for those who can afford it.
Consistent with the above, several authors have addressed the importance of SE, among which stand out: Surdez et al. (2018), Twum and Peprah (2020), Dewi et al. (2021), Dinh et al. (2021), Sibai et al. (2021), Khurshid and Khurshid (2021), Husain et al. (2022) and Hai (2022). These authors have described through their studies that a good SE contributes favorably to the success of educational processes in the IE, a situation that, given its impact on the university's mission, should occupy a significant space within the institutional agendas. In addition, this situation is a factor for accreditation processes and institutional recognition.
Thus, Kim (2019) has mentioned that SSC positively affects SE and the university's image. However, such an image is shown not to affect commitment. Thus, commitment was found to affect loyalty. Thus, efforts to improve SSC impact the image and loyalty of colleges and universities, while the effects help improve the institutions' long-term competitiveness. In this sense, the latest effects for the control of SSC will propose ways of survival in the changing college and university educational environment.
Similarly, Dewi et al. (2021) have stated that SSC has a significant effect (SE) on SE, while SE has an EF on learner loyalty. From a practical point of view, an adequate understanding of the link between SSC, institutional bonding, SE, and organizational image enables better strategic decisions to be made and ways to strengthen the organization's management. By doing so, it becomes possible to recruit high-quality international students from the world's leading universities for research and academic development. Also, Khurshid and Khurshid (2021) have described through their study "Service Quality and Student Satisfaction: The Competitive Dimension of Physical Infrastructure of Pakistani Universities" the importance of SSC in infrastructure in the context of higher education in Pakistan, where all the results were significant. The overall impact of each independent variable was positive on SE.
On the other hand, the SE and the services of the computer education curriculum are shown from the aspect of assurance satisfactory, with a satisfaction score of 76.54%. Finally, it is evidenced that the SE, together with the services of the computer education study program, viewed from the empathy aspect, was satisfactory, with a satisfaction score of 77.81% (Husain et al., 2022). Therefore, due to the relevance acquired by CSE, as well as SE in IEs, the objective of the present study was to determine the existing link between CSE and SE in the I.E.P. Rosa de la Merced -Ate, 2022.
Hernández and Mendoza (2018) mentioned that the population is structured by the group of all cases that match specific specifications. Thus, the total population was constituted of 168 learners who were in the analyzed course during the 2022 term. The study responded to a quantitative approach because data collection was used to test a hypothesis based on numerical measurement and statistical analysis. Thus, it is considered essential since its motivation resides in mere curiosity and the joy of revealing new knowledge. Its scope was correlational, as it sought to determine the link between the degree of association between two or more conceptual variables. Likewise, the method developed was the hypothetical deductive method since the study described a hypothesis to determine feasible facts. Finally, the study had a non-experimental design since it sought to observe the phenomena in their ideal environment for subsequent analysis.
Inclusion and exclusion rules
Inclusion criteria
· Students in the third, fourth and fifth levels of secondary school at I.E.P. Rosa De La Merced.
· Students with regular enrollment in the 2022 school year.
Exclusion Criteria
· Students in the first and second level of secondary school at I.E.P. Rosa De La Merced.
In this sense, Hernández and Mendoza (2018) have expressed that the sample refers to the group segmented into a smaller portion of the population on which data are collected. Thus, the type of sampling was probabilistic since, according to these authors, the elements of the population as a whole possess a unique possibility of being selected for the sample. Therefore, to calculate the sample size, the finite universe formula was developed:
n = sample size
Z = confidence level (1.645)
p = standard deviation (0.5)
e = margin of error (0.05)
In this context, a result of 105 students to be surveyed was released. The sampling technique was stratified. In this sense, Hernandez and Mendoza (2018) have stated that, sampling being random and the sample much more representative the population should be stratified.
Table 1. The distribution of the study population and sample |
IE |
Secondary Level |
Population |
Sample |
Percentage |
Source: own elaboration.
Normality test
With the intention of knowing the existing concordance levels, the following decision criterion is given:
If p < 0.05, the Ho is rejected and the Ha is accepted.
If p > 0.05 the Ho is accepted and the Ha is rejected.
Based on the above and the number of research data (105), the Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality test (PNKS) was used, as detailed in table 1:
Source: own elaboration.
In table 2, if the p value is: ,200 and ,200 for the variables: CSE and SE, and if these are greater than 0.05 it can be indicated that, the null hypothesis (HN) is accepted and the alternate hypothesis (HA) is rejected, hence the data present a normal distribution (DN).
Research hypothesis
General hypothesis:
There was prevailing linkage between CSE and SE in I.E.P. Rosa De La Merced - Ate, 2022.
Specific hypothesis:
· There was a prevailing link between reliability and SE at I.E.P. Rosa De La Merced - Ate, 2022.
· There was a prevailing link between responsiveness and SE at I.E.P. Rosa de la Merced - Ate, 2022.
· There was a prevailing link between safety and SE at I.E.P. Rosa de la Merced - Ate, 2022.
· There was a prevailing link between empathy and SE at I.E.P. Rosa de la Merced - Ate, 2022.
· There was a prevailing link between tangible elements (TE) and SE in the I.E.P. Rosa de la Merced - Ate, 2022.
Normality test
With the intention of knowing the existing concordance levels, the following decision criterion was made known:
If p < 0.05, the Ho is rejected and the Ha is accepted.
If p > 0.05, the Ho is accepted and the Ha is rejected.
Based on the above and the number of research data (105), the PNKS was used:
Table 3. PNKS |
Sample |
gl |
Sig. |
105 |
105 |
.200 |
SE |
105 |
105 |
.200 |
Source: own elaboration.
In table 3, if the p-value is ,200 and ,200 for the variables SES and SE, and if these are more significant than 0.05, it can be expressed that HN is accepted and HA is rejected. Hence, the data present a DN, the reason for which the Pearson's R statistical test was used.
Normality test
With the intention of defining if there is a significant relationship between SES and SE in the I.E.P. Rosa de la Merced - Ate, the Pearson's R statistical test was used. In this way, the decision rule was made known:
If p < 0.05 the Ho is rejected and the Ha is accepted.
If p > 0.05, the Ho is accepted and the Ha is rejected.
The following tables were also taken into account:
Table 4. Pearson's R correlation scale assessment |
Coefficient |
Interpretation |
Perfect correlation |
Very high correlation |
High correlation |
Moderate correlation |
Low correlation |
Very low correlation |
Null correlation |
Source: own elaboration.
Table 5. Correlation test between SES and SE |
105 |
Source: own elaboration.
In table 5, if the p-value is: .000 and is less α (0.05), it can be concluded that the HN is rejected and HA is accepted, the reason for which if there is a prevailing link between the variables (CSE and SE) of the I.E.P. Rosa de la Merced - Ate. Likewise, if Pearson's R test is .674, it can be deduced that there is a high correlation between the variables and that the better the SES, the better the SE (or vice versa).
Table 6. Correlation test between the dimensions of the SES and the ES |
Sample |
SE |
Dimensions of SSC |
Reliability |
Responsiveness |
Safety |
Empathy |
ET |
Source: own elaboration.
In table 6, if the p-value is: .000 and is less α (0.05), it can be concluded that HN is rejected and HA is accepted, the reason for which there is a prevailing link between the dimensions of SES (reliability, responsiveness, security, empathy, and ET) and SE in the I.E.P. Rosa de la Merced - Ate. Likewise, if Pearson's R testis,515; 503; 488; 562 and,511, it can be deduced that there is a moderate positive correlation and high positive correlation between the dimensions of variable one and the SE and that the better the level of the dimensions of the CSE the better the SE will be (or vice versa).
Descriptive Results
Source: own elaboration.
Source: own elaboration.
Note: the figure appears in its original language
According to table 7 and figure 1, 76.2% of the total sample considered the S.E.S. in the I.E.P. was at a medium level (N.M.). Likewise, 19% of the sample indicated that the S.E.S. was at a high level (N.A.), and 4.8% indicated it was at a low level (N.B.).
Source: own elaboration.
Source: own elaboration.
Note: the figure appears in its original language
According to table 8 and figure 2, 91.4% of the total sample considered that the S.E. in the I.E.P. was within an N.M. Also, it was evident that 5.7% of the sample stated that the E.S. was in an N.A., while 2.9% indicated that it was in an N.B. According to the hypotheses and results of the research previously stated, they were discussed for subsequent comparison with the antecedents above, which offered the following indisputable approximations:
The research had a general hypothesis: there is a prevailing link between C.S.E. and S.E. in I.E.P. Rosa de la Merced - Ate, so based on this and by Pearson's R test in which the p-value is: .000 and is less α (0.05), it can be concluded that H.N. is rejected and H.A. is accepted, and simultaneously it can be deduced that there is a prevailing link between the variables: C.S.E. and S.E. Likewise, based on the same statistical test which yielded a result of ,674; it can be inferred that there is a high correlation between the variables and that the better the S.E.S., the better the S.E. (or vice versa).
These results are related to the study of Amaro (2022), who concludes that with the application of the Servqual Model (MS) to store information on S.E.S. and the use of the SEUE Model for S.E. through the survey technique in order to collect data from the population, it became evident that there is a prevailing link between S.E.S. and S.E., in a public I.E. of regular primary education in East Lima, which means that: the better the S.E.S., the better the S.E. and vice versa. In addition, as long as the need to promote further research that delves deeper into each of the conditions of S.E.S. is encouraged, school satisfaction can be achieved much better.
About the first specific hypothesis: there is a prevailing link between reliability and S.E. in the I.E.P. Rosa de la Merced - Ate, and in consensus with Pearson's R test in which the p-value is: .000 and is less α (0.05), it can be expressed that, the H.N. is rejected and the H.A. is accepted. Likewise, it can be inferred that there is a prevailing link between the reliability dimension and S.E. In addition, this same test showed a result of .515; therefore, it can be mentioned that there is a moderate correlation between the dimension of variable one and the S.E. The better the level of the S.E.S. dimension, the better the S.E. (or vice versa). In turn, these results are similar to those expressed by Twum and Peprah (2020), who, through a cross-sectional questionnaire using the M.S. with five dimensions of service quality: tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, empathy, and security, confirm that S.E. can be 100% represented by the service quality dimension of reliability, which is a synonym of trustworthiness.
About the second specific hypothesis: there is a prevailing link between responsiveness and S.E. in the I.E.P. Rosa de la Merced - Ate, and according to Pearson's R test in which the p-value is: .000 and is less α (0.05), it can be inferred that H.N. is rejected and H.A. is accepted, and at the same time it can be concluded that there is a prevailing link between the responsiveness dimension and S.E. Then, as a result of the same statistical test, a result of .503 was revealed; thus, it can be deduced that there is a moderate correlation between the dimension of variable one and S.E. and that the better the level in the dimension of S.E.S. the better the S.E. (or vice versa). These approaches are linked to that presented by Sibai et al. (2021), who, using the S.M. that assesses S.E. on university services provided, conclude that responsiveness in S.E.S. is a predictor of S.E. in terms of services and facilities for learners.
About the third specific hypothesis: there is a prevailing link between safety and S.E. in the I.E.P. Rosa de la Merced - Ate, and in line with Pearson's R test in which the p-value is: .000 and is less α (0.05), it can be concluded that the H.N. is rejected and the H.A. is accepted. In turn, it can be evidenced that there is a prevailing link between the safety dimension and S.E. Likewise, as a result of the same statistical test, the result of .488 was revealed; hence, a moderate correlation can be obtained between the dimension of variable one and S.E., so that the better the level in the S.E.S. dimension, the better the S.E. (or vice versa). These results are consistent with those described by Ubillus et al. (2021), who, through an instrument (questionnaire) application, showed that the students received information about the service, and sometimes some educational problems were solved, thus achieving the desired service.
Finally, by the fourth specific hypothesis: there is a prevailing link between empathy and S.E. in the I.E.P. Rosa de la Merced - Ate, and about Pearson's R test in which the p-value is: .000 and is less α (0.05), it can be mentioned that H.N. is rejected and H.A. is accepted. Similarly, it can be stated that there is a prevailing link between the empathy dimension and S.E. In addition, as a result of the same statistical test, a result of .562 was evidenced; therefore, a moderate correlation between the dimension of variable one and S.E. can be evidenced, so the better the level in the dimension of S.E.S., the better the S.E. (or vice versa). Thus, these results are in line with the S.E. in the scientific work of Terrazas and Almeida (2020), who, through the application of two surveys: the S.E.S. scale and the S.E. scale, establish that the communication link between students, staff, and managers of the I.E. is a critical factor for the implementation of measures to solve the inadequacies found.
Currently, education is going through changing processes that require renewed strategies that contribute positively to raising quality standards in the IEs. In this sense, improving this aspect is essential to achieving students' increasing SE percentage, which favors their educational performance and, therefore, the improvement indexes in the school system of the IE. Thus, the research poses its objective by Pearson's R test where the p-value is: .000 and is less α (0.05), with which it can be expressed that the HN is rejected and the HA is accepted, the reason that shows that there is a prevailing link between CSE and SE in I.E.P. Rosa De La Merced - Ate, 2022.
Regarding the first specific objective, it can be deduced that, in consensus with Pearson's R test where the p-value is: .000 and is less α (0.05), HN is rejected, and HA is accepted. Thus, a prevailing link exists between reliability and SE in the I.E.P. Rosa de la Merced - Ate, 2022. Corresponding to the second specific objective, it can be inferred that, according to Pearson's R test, where the p-value is .000 and is less α (0.05), the HN is rejected, and HA is accepted. Hence, a prevailing link exists between responsiveness and SE in the I.E.P. Rosa de la Merced - Ate, 2022.
Regarding the third specific objective, it can be concluded that, consequently, with Pearson's R test where the p-value is: .000 and is less α (0.05), the HN is rejected, and HA is accepted. This result infers a prevailing link between safety and SE in the I.E.P. Rosa de la Merced - Ate, 2022. Finally, by the fourth specific objective, in correspondence with Pearson's R test where the p-value is: .000 and is less α (0.05), the HN is rejected, and the HA is accepted, so that there is a prevailing link between empathy and SE in the I.E.P. Rosa de la Merced - Ate, 2022.
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No external financing.
Se agradece a la Universidad Peruana la Unión por el apoyo recibido para el desarrollo de la investigación.
Conceptualization: Gerardo Jimmy Curo Aliaga and Ruth Edelmira Pilloca Moyna.
Research: Gerardo Jimmy Curo Aliaga and Ruth Edelmira Pilloca Moyna.
Methodology: Gerardo Jimmy Curo Aliaga and Ruth Edelmira Pilloca Moyna.
Writing - original draft: Gerardo Jimmy Curo Aliaga and Ruth Edelmira Pilloca Moyna.
Writing - proofreading and editing: Gerardo Jimmy Curo Aliaga and Ruth Edelmira Pilloca Moyna.